To begin your healing journey at The Loft we invite you to sit down, have a cup of tea and fill out some very brief paper work.
We will then meet privately to go over your health concerns and goals for treatment. Some of the questions may seem unrelated to what brought you in but rest assured, we are gathering information in order to come up with a comprehensive pattern that is tailored to your unique constitution! After we chat you can sink into one of the marvelous treatment beds for a 40-60 minutes ‘acu-nap’ – many people fall asleep during acupuncture and this is the time when your nervous system down-regulates and deep healing occurs.
We will come up with a comprehensive course of treatment to make sure you are moving towards your goals and health opportunities!
Acupuncture involves the insertion of very thin needles through your skin at strategic points on your body. A key component of traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture is most commonly used to treat pain. Increasingly, it is being used for overall wellness, including stress management.
Traditional Chinese medicine explains acupuncture as a technique for balancing the flow of energy or life force — known as chi or qi (chee) — believed to flow through pathways (meridians) in your body. By inserting needles into specific points along these meridians, acupuncture practitioners believe that your energy flow will re-balance.
Release endorphins + Increase serotonin + Expedite healing + Enhance immunity
Acupuncture heals by harnessing your body’s inherent wisdom to reorganize your internal resources. That may sound esoteric, but think about it – we organize our closets, our finances, our schedules – why wouldn’t our bodies need the same kind of regular attention! Acupuncture is an effective medical treatment that can be used to eliminate pain, balance hormones, improve fertility, increase circulation, decrease inflammation, reset patterns of sleep and digestion and heal musculoskeletal injuries quickly.
Initial acupuncture treatment 75 – minute • $156
Return acupuncture treatment 60 – minute • $114
6 visit series available at 20% off
tension release acupuncture
This acupuncture treatment is a focused session to work directly on where you need it most: Neck, Shoulders and Back. Lying facedown on one of our super comfortable treatment tables allows us to get into tight muscles, release tension and open up circulation. Acupuncture promotes the release of neurotransmitters such as serotonin and norepinephrine which reduce pain, expedite recovery and leave you feeling crystal clear and tension free!
40 – minute • $85
Facial rejuvenation acupuncture
Improve hydration and support your skin through seasonal changes with this deeply relaxing full body treatment. What happens in your body is reflected in your face. Healthy lungs, a happy liver and balanced digestion will show in your skin! Acupuncture stimulates the release of powerful anti-inflammatory substances from your brain, promoting your body’s own healing capacity. Body points direct the treatment out to the skin and up to the face.We use special facial needles to relax your muscles and turn that collagen on. Facial Rejuvenation combines Cupping and Gua Sha techniques which increase microcirculation to promote cell turnover, move stagnant lymph, move fluids, clear toxins and strengthen the vascular integrity of the skin.
Facial Rejuvenation at The Loft combines Eminence products so you enjoy the ultimate facial experience which will leave your skin dewy, hydrated and toned.
Stimulate collagen and elastin production • Carries Nutrients to the cells • Increases circulation • Relaxes muscles • Improves muscle tone to reduce sagging • Refine fine lines and soften deeper wrinkles • Evens out skin tone and discoloration • Reduces puffiness, improves lymphatic system
90 – minute • $159
prenatal acupunture
Pregnancy and Chinese medicine work wonderfully together! This is often a time in life when women fall in love with this 3,000 year old medicine. It’s a natural way to work through the inevitable changes pregnancy brings to your body, mind and spirit. Smooth out your mood, boost energy, improve sleep and address everything that comes up from body discomfort to headaches. Acupuncture is used to increase fertility, reduce morning sickness, relieve carpal tunnel and promote labor when the time is right.
We will come up with a comprehensive course of treatment to make sure you are moving towards your goals and health opportunities!
(Please arrive 10 minutes before your scheduled visit)
Initial Treatment 75 – minutes • $156
Return Treatment 60- minutes • $114
fire cupping
Cupping therapy is an ancient form of alternative medicine and can be used to speed injury recovery, release tension and even to fend off a cold or flu. It can help with pain, inflammation, blood flow, relaxation and as a type of deep-tissue massage. Cupping is like a reverse massage; instead of pushing into the tissue, it pulls so the blood flows through and clears stagnation and rapidly regenerates healthy cells. It can feel similar in intensity to a deep-tissue massage. Because the suction pulls from under the fascia layer it can help to loosen phlegm for a cough or congestion and detoxifies; it also aids in circulation of blood and lymph, increases blood flow to remove toxins and brings in fresh oxygen. There are many types of cupping, but fire cupping is the most traditional or original form in Chinese medicine. We use glass cups and the fire creates a strong suction to help remove “cold” in the body which is known to slow down circulation. Heat is nourishing for people who are drained and tired, so fire cupping can give you the boost you need!
Fire cupping should never hurt but it can leave marks on your back and shoulders. The color of these depends on your body and your blood flow and will heal anywhere between 1 day – 1 week. Don’t plan to wear a backless dress the day after cupping unless you want to show off your self care!
30-minute •$59
Ultimate Wellness Experience
You know that dreamy, floating feeling you get from acupuncture? Multiply that X’s 100 when you add LED Therapy. . . We will begin each treatment face down so that we can use the acupuncture to clear your nervous system and release what doesn’t serve you. We often describe this as taking the etch a-sketch and shaking it. After 20 minutes we will turn you face up and start to nourish and balance all of the meridians. The therapeutic LED uses the light through the skin as a source of energy to fuel the repair and rejuvenation of damaged cells, or, in the case of treating acne, kill bacteria. The energy stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, boosts circulation and accelerates tissue repair. LED, or light emitting diode therapy, is a skincare treatment that uses varying wavelengths of light, including red, blue and near infrared. NASA originally developed it for plant growth experiments on shuttle missions and later found it to have promise for wound treatment. This really is the ultimate experience in total body wellness. Starting @ • $219