meet dr. julie graves
Dr. Julie Graves' journey into health and wellness began when a life changing experience with a Chiropractor inspired her to help others with healing touch. Her career began as a massage therapist and completion of her doctorate at Life Chiropractic College West in the mid-1990’s preempted a move to England and landed her in the middle of a movement in her profession.
Exploring the concept of fixation versus hyper mobility, she was lucky to have studied with Dr. Jon Howatt, a world authority on cranial work and the Sacro-Occipital technique (SOT). She has since used the protocol to asses gait, balance, “stuckness”, TMJ motion, stability/instability, etc. which informs how to interpret results and find solutions.
When she arrived in Bozeman her first google search for a cold plunge lead her to The Loft’s Hammam. Julie believes hot and cold therapy is the perfect way to use our natural physiology, effecting physical, emotional and spiritual health, which are interconnected.
Originally from California, she raised her kids in the Boston area for the last 20 years. Her relocation to Bozeman was prompted when her son attended MSU and then refused to leave. She’s thrilled to join our team of high quality practitioners and work in an environment that is both professional and inviting.
Initial visit
This appointment is a great for people who want a thorough look into their current state of health, areas of concern and explore ways to unravel deeper causes.
Your first appointment comprises a comprehensive evaluation and Chiropractic adjustment. The Sacro-Occipital Technique (SOT) protocol involves a holistic examination of the entire body. This gentle and thorough technique assesses the functionality of the pelvis, spine, extremities, and cranial aspects. Through the utilization of blocks, conventional chiropractic adjustments, and instrument-assisted modalities, we adopt a well-rounded approach to assist your body in finding balance and facilitating the healing process. Our goal is to provide a thorough and gentle experience that addresses specific areas of concern, promoting overall well-being and harmony within your body.
60 – minute • $180
initial pregnancy visit
Ideal for the pregnant patient who wants to feel confident in the hands of a seasoned practitioner.
Pregnancy chiropractic care can be a God send for the well-being of both mother and baby. The Webster technique, a specialized chiropractic analysis and adjustment, aims to alleviate subluxation and SI joint dysfunction, enhancing nerve transmission and bio-mechanical function in the sacral/pelvic region. Its benefits can include reducing the risk of difficult labor due to factors like inadequate uterine function and pelvic contraction.
60 – minute • $180
follow up visits
This gives the doctor time to reassess your progress and continue with care that leads to long term health and wellness.
40- minutes • $90
20- minutes • $50
This appointment is for existing patients and optimal for those who have been away for more than 3 months and/or need a thorough check up and adjusting session. This gives the doctor time to re-evaluate your healing process and determine a plan of action.
50- minutes • $140
Dry needling or kinesiotape
This allows the doctor time to utilize dry needling and the added support of Kinesiotape. Excellent for supporting tissues that are either overactive (in spasm) or under performing initiating a return to function.
20- minutes • $60
Add on to another treatment • $45
About Chiropractic, a brief history….
The profession was developed by an electrical engineer named DD Palmer in 1895 as a way of helping his janitor, Harvey Lillard, who had a hearing problem. Mr. Palmer palpated Harvey’s back and neck and felt something out of place. He worked out how to hold Mr. Lillard's neck into a position of tension and initiated a gentle force. He heard a pop and either immediately or gradually (no one really knows) Mr. Lillard’s hearing came back. Excited about his discovery Palmer thought he had found the secret to curing all disease by returning normal function to the spine which housed the electrical system of the body, the Nervous System.
A profession was born. But not without strife.
The medical establishment didn’t appreciate some guy in Iowa who advertised that he had a cure for disease that didn’t require drugs or surgery. A battle of philosophies ensued and as Palmer defended his position the medical establishment strong armed his claims, that were unfounded, by the way. Both sides had a point.
Palmer had tapped into the natural ability of the body to heal itself, he recognized the innate intelligence of the body and the healing power of laying-on-of-hands.
The medical people also had a point. Although freeing the nervous system from interference might reduce “dis-ease” it would not cure all diseases. The debate between the allopathic and vitalistic paradigm continues today.
Part of the concern about getting a chiropractic adjustment is safety. Some people have had negative experiences but most have positive results from seeing a Chiropractor. This is illustrated by low malpractice insurance costs for Chiropractic doctors vs medical doctors. But, there are very rare instances of people having catastrophic events following a chiropractic adjustment. Fortunately there are ways to avoid putting people at risk of harm. The answer lies in taking thorough history, exam and using the right technique, seeing an experienced practitioner mitigates the risk.
How to decifir who will be a good fit for you…
Technique. There are about as many techniques as there are Chiropractors. The reason is because, hands on practitioners determine what works for individual patients. You come with a history that includes but is not limited to: family, emotional, trauma, injuries, health status, job, mental attitude, living conditions, financial stability/lack thereof, a stressful job, lack of/too much exercise, good/poor diet. A human is a complex organism compiled of systems that work together.
When there’s too much pressure in the system somethings got to give. Stressors that manifest physically are often a wake up call to change something or to seek help.
A hands on practitioner like a chiropractor, acupuncturist, or massage therapist has the job of figuring out how to approach you and your body with an approach that will help fine tune their technique to your tolerance.
We’ve found, having tools that address each person is helpful in getting it right. As a result Dr. graves uses traditional adjustments, low and non-force techniques and her clinical experience has taught her that often times less is more. The body doesn’t always need a lot of intervention to get a response, it needs the right amount.
There is no one size fits all when it comes to helping people figure out why their body has the challenges it has and how to fix it. People are wholistic in how they view their lives, what they think their body can handle and what they ask of their body whether it’s extreme athletic pursuits or high levels of stress, a poor diet or exercise habits or a negative mental attitude, negative self talk. Being a human is complex, so when seeking a person who will be part of your health care team, try to find someone who can help you unravel your unique set of circumstances and challenges. At the Loft, you have a professional and experienced team to get you feeling better and living your best life.
What is unique about Dr. Graves’ approach?
Dr. Graves years of experience has lead her to a conclusion. People need to have their immediate needs addressed but with the end goal of preventing future conditions, postural distortions and injuries. Her job is to assess what’s happening right now so your body and mind (being in pain is emotionally stressful) can begin to heal and you can get back to doing all the things that make your life fun, interesting and full. Her end goal however, is to look at your body holistically and point out areas of your lifestyle and habits that will empower you to make changes that will stick.
Does she do programs of care or can I come just when I’m in pain?
We have found that programs of care produce a stronger body that can withstand all the effort you put into your life. But, often times people begin care because they are in pain. So, the answer is both. Come in pain. leave feeling better and maintain results with continued checks up.
Programs of care that give the most bang for the buck?
For acute injuries and conditions that are standing in your way or causing distraction in your life a reasonable plan follows:
-> Once a week for 2 to 3 weeks
-> Then every other week for a 2 to 3 weeks
-> Then once a month to maintain the results you’ve worked so hard to achieve
To make it even easier, we’ve put together packages that make it more affordable and feasible to complete a program of care and get real results without taking forever to do so.
I’m pregnant, Is Chiropractic care safe?
Yes, care is not only safe but recommended so your growing baby can receive messages from your nervous system that promote a calm environment. When mama is calm and relaxed, baby’s developing nervous system is exposed to lower maternal cortisol levels (stress hormone), the uterine sac is more balanced and aligned which can make delivery easier.
The developers of the Webster technique considered the unique circumstances a mothers body goes through and how those changes impact the developing baby. A certified practitioner has received extra training to insure safety and effectiveness. Dr. Graves began using the Webster protocol several years ago and has found that women like the gentle but effective approach.